Multipurpose Cutters

Featured in Outwater Industries' large inventory are several useful, high-quality tools that include Notching Tools. We offer a set of notch cutting tools that can be used with different channel mouldings, tee mouldings and more. There are three different notching tools, as well as replacement blades, that are available:

  • P900R - Vinyl Tee Moulding Notcher
  • P900A - Aluminum and Vinyl Notcher
  • P900V - Channel and Angle Notcher
The P900R vinyl tee moulding notching tool is used to notch a radius into the barbing of your tee moulding. This enables it to fit any curve without the accuracy required with a "V" notching tool. The P900V angle and channel notching tool creates a special "V" cut that allows the mouldings to navigate sharp corners and curves. It also allows for a continuous wrap around and ensures a clean installation every time.
Our selection of notching tools, their replacement blades, and other tools in our collection are stocked in Outwater's local Arizona and New Jersey warehouse facilities in order to offer more economical shipping to customers. If you are having difficulty finding the tool that best meets your needs, please contact our knowledgeable sales department. They will gladly provide more information on our line of tools, as well as the extensive collection of products Outwater Industries has to offer.